Our girl Molly.
The past two weeks have been traumatic for everyone involved. It started when I noticed Molly had a red spot on her leg. We gave her a bath to be able to examine the site more carefully. That was when we discovered a lump. We called the vet and made an appointment to take her in the next day. With Molly’s medical history, we did not want to take any chances. I’m sorry to say it got much worse overnight. Her whole leg was swollen and things had gotten messy.
Because of Covid we were not allowed in the office with her, so the emergency vet didn’t have her record for some reason. Her first concern was the swelling in Molly’s leg so we had to explain she has been diagnosed with tumors in her stomach, her liver, and her adrenal gland. The vet was not very encouraging that any treatment would help Molly, but we wanted to try. She is still eating, drinking, and enjoying life.
After a lot of talking and again stressing the downside of treating her, she agreed to do what she could. So, we brought Molly home with 5 different medications and an Elizabethan collar that makes it hard for us to get around. If she wasn’t running into something with it, I was running into her.
Isn’t she a cutie?
A week later, we were back for a recheck. Our regular vet was back and the tech that had seen her the week before was amazed at how healed the wound looked. Sadly, the collar did nothing to protect her leg when slipping on the ice so she kept re-injuring the spot. One of the suggestions they made was doggie pajamas. Who knew they even existed?
We ordered one to try which was delivered the next day. It took two of us to get her into them, not because Molly resisted but because we couldn’t figure out the design. That must have been a sight. Since we wrestled them on, they have protected her leg and kept her warm in these below zero days. And as you can see in the picture, she looks so cute in them that we decided she needed a whole wardrobe.