Author LIfe

It's Typhoon Season

A fierce storm and dangerous wave.

Okay, it’s not really typhoon season. At least not in New England. But it sure feels like it.

In all my life, I’ve never experienced so much turmoil and uncertainty in our federal government—certainly not in the judicial branch. Statewide, things are so hot either. My workplace is also crazy, largely because of the need to respond to the widely tumultuous external environment. Chaos seems to reign from the top of the food chain to the bottom.

Walking against the storm

My home life hasn’t been much better. Two of my televisions—yes, two—spontaneously stopped working at the same time. My refrigerator decided to stop closing tightly and refused to stay cold. In addition, for some unfathomable reason my electric bill states my usage has inexplicably doubled since this time last year. Shall we also talk about the rising costs of everything else?

I’ve been trying to figure out what I can do to restore and maintain a sense of calm in my life and in my stressed out body. One important thing for me to do is to get back to my routines and to do lists. I should not let disruption in the outside world disrupt my peace. I’ve learned that breathing intentionally calms and soothes me. I need to make sure I give myself 5-10 minutes everyday to focus on breathing exercises.

What do you do to help you face the storm outside?

Winter Dreams

For many years I've had a dream of going away for the winter holidays. There'd be snow on the ground and more on the way. I'd sit on a bench with my sweetie, drinking hot chocolate until our fingers grew cold, then we'd head inside to sit by the fireplace reading.

We thought we'd done it one year.  My partner and I traveled to Vermont to stay at the Trapp Family Lodge for a weekend. It was snowy and beautiful. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be. A huge storm was brewing back home, and my dogsitter didn't think she'd be able to be with my puppies. We packed up and left in the middle of the night, just beating the arrival of the storm.

My puppies were safe and sound, but I never had the peaceful, snowy, holiday I've always wanted. I'm still aiming for it. Stay tuned.

Do you have a winter dream? i'd love to hear it?

Do You Believe in Magic?

When I was young, my mom's yard was a paradise. It was lined with majestic trees, lush grass, and flowers. You could just see the love she put into those flowers.

The centerpiece of the front yard was a Mimosa Tree. It was stunning. I spent a lot of time with that tree, doing the usual things like sitting under it reading or playing, or working up my courage to climb it to the first big branch. 

I have a secret. I flew under that tree. Yes, I did! You don't have to believe me; it's true. I would grab hold of its thick trunk, and then jump up with all my might! Somehow, my body would stay in the air, perfectly horizontal. I would close my eyes and feel the breeze flow over my body. 

When I let go of the tree, I'd stay in the air for a few precious moments before I thudded to the ground. The fall knocked the wind out of me, but I didn't cry or complain.  I knew magic when I saw it.

I still do. Clouds are magical. Friendship is magic. Love, true and abiding, is magical. Babies, from conception and beyond, are magical. Heck, sometimes chocolate mousse is magical.

We're going to need all the help we can get as time marches forward. Lots of changes ahead, crises as well as opportunities.  We'll need  family and friends so that we can wrap ourselves in community. 

I'm glad I still believe in magic. Do you?

Have an enchanted weekend.

The Universe and Me

Do you ever wonder about the meaning of life? How it all fits together? I am often compelled to think these things when I see a particularly spectacular cloud. It always occurs to me that this magnificence didn’t get here by accident. There has to be some complex plan that allows for these puffs of water and vapor to hang in the sky. And the patterns…artistic master pieces.

And the sea. It is a body you can’t see the end of. Your eyes just travel over the ripples and waves only to find more ripples and waves, over and over until all you have is that virtuals line that touches the sky. It’s a wonder to me how much I am soothed by the ocean, its sounds and rhythms. And it’s to just water. Have you heard of forest bathing. There are actual studies like this one that show that spending time immersed in the forest benefits us physiologically and psychologically. How cool is it that Mother Nature has rigged parts of the world to just calm us and remind us of our place here.

Sometimes, I just get smacked in the head with the beauty and expanse of nature. I'm but a small pebble in the vastness of the universe. Does that make me inconsequential? Sometimes it feels that way, compared to the forests and the oceans and the clouds. But maybe my glimmer, combined with all of the other precious pebbles, is what makes the universe beautiful.

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